Our company is not limited to general site civil design and permitting. Our clients frequently rely upon us to fill the gaps in various capacities that they have not been able to address for a variety of reasons. One of our greatest strengths is our can-do attitude when presented with a task that is outside of our normal set of design, and permitting services.

We have acted on behalf of many of our clients by filling in the gaps for tasks needed that for whatever reason is assigned to us and not easily available in the market.
Whenever we believe that our capabilities are not suitable for a specific general consultation task, we find the service provider that is qualified to do the task and make the effort to place the client in contact with the right person to perform whatever tasks the client has asked us to provide.

We strive to be an extension of our client’s staff and have many references to attest to the fact that we are an extension of our client’s staff and are quite capable of filling in the gaps in their construction endeavors.